I JUST LOVE MAIL! I received another package in the mail from dahling Jennifer in Cali. It contains French For Dummies! YAY!!!! And an inspiring quote to keep my mind on the muchness and off the petty particulars of the restaurant rumor mill. Who knew it could put such a grind on me. Thanks Jen.
"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
Oscar Wilde
Now Karla is singing Elvis songs to me. LOVE HER! Always full of surprises! I must pop off to make some art with Karla before work. We'll put it up when it's finished.
It's a good day. Raining...love it. Grandpa made me laugh this morning when I walk into the kitchen and for some reason our dancing Santa Claus is on the kitchen table and gpa is wearing green and red with his santa white hair. Couldn't resist had to take a picy for you all.

Now Karla is singing Elvis songs to me. LOVE HER! Always full of surprises! I must pop off to make some art with Karla before work. We'll put it up when it's finished.