Family Circus
Photographed by Paolo Roversi and styled by
Alex White
I had a dream this morning that I was shooting outside with hot air balloons. As my models walked across the street we came across another set and I immediately recognized Roversi. I stopped my crew and went over to introduce myself. The dream makes me realize just how much I regret not contacting him via his people while I was in Paris. Just to see if designed by the stars I could have gotten an audience with him. I will not pass up the opportunity twice.
This spread is one of my favorites.
W Magazine is the only one I have a subscription to, monthly never disappointed. All my other glossy addictions have to prove themselves before I buy them. With the economy hit hard and Polaroid hit harder, more shoots of his are surfacing but not as many have the imaginative caliber, light experimentation and color that make his others so fantastic.
Still solid work, don't get me wrong, just not as exciting.
Yet, he really can't go wrong with Alex White. I love everything that is produced between the two. I hope one day to have the opportunity, just once, to shoot with her. She does amazing things with W.
Enjoy your Sunday, especially you Shevaun.