My mom is a constant source of reflection. She helps me see the inside out and outside all the way in. With Europe quickly approaching, my sister to Afghanistan, Luna in limbo while my mom hovers between Oklahoma and Missouri, it really makes me put my relationships into perspective. How can one gypsy maintain so many deep relationships and fleeting addresses and still remain close? And how long is too long for a life like that? My grandpa asked my mother what could possibly be in Europe that makes a possible visit into a permanent move...my mom answered,
"I don't know and
you don't know and
she doesn't know but
the fact that she must go
is certain."
BIG HUG little kiss little hug BIG KISS BIG KISS
i LOVE what your mom said. so great
"well, if Mama said it.." Great to have that kind of love, support and trust!
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