Thursday, March 25, 2010

I've lost my muchness...

My experience in Seattle is like a dream. A dream full of vibrant colors and vibrant people. I was ever busy with putting together the next big shoot or planning a fancy dress party or looking forward to dinner with dear friends. The city itself inspired me...I love the rain and with it the fog and the greenery everywhere! Especially moss in your day to day walk. Moss and fog are magical...and so is the rain. It was the land of muchness for me. My good friend David Harms once gave me this page from a magazine. He said...

Greg Lorenz & Kim Avelar
"This reminds me of you...because you start out with a simple idea
and all of a sudden you're drawing clouds."

I want to find that girl again. I need to find my muchness...I'll start by imagining 6 impossible things before I have my breakfast this morning.

1. I will get my website revamped before the Grill It issue
2. I will be the artist and the commercial photographer
3. I will learn French before August
I will live in Europe for the next couple years.
5. I will shoot for W magazine one day
6. I will make every land my Wonderland of muchness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oui! i've been watching french films lately... makes me feel like i'm learning and taking a vacation. i don't think your imaginations are so impossible.